Monday, March 15, 2021

Portfolio Project 2021: Music Resource Recommendation

I wanted to blog about this resource that Mrs. Stoklosa mentioned today in class! A student in her AS level class blogged about this website that she's using for royalty-free music. It's called Chosic and I am so grateful for this recommended resource because I appreciate finding new resources to use especially music for projects. I was planning on using copyright-free music from VideoLeap but I'll look through this website for some potential music choices. They have so many options and genres to choose from so it might take me a while to make a final selection for the trailer's soundtracks.

There was a song that I came across a week ago when I was looking for a song for an audition that I have coming up and I added it to a playlist titled "Portfolio Project", original... I know! It's called "Whatever Lola Wants" by Sarah Vaughan or the Ella Fitzerald version and it is perfect for the vibe that I want to create in the trailer. It's not a copyright-free song so I can't use it but hopefully, I can discover a song on Chosic that has a similar sound that is copyright-free. 

I audibly gasped just now because I remembered the song "Diamond's Are A Girl's Bestfriend" by Marilyn Monroe! I was typing the previous paragraph and that song started playing in my head. I immediately envisioned the older sister listening to this song while getting ready in one of the trailers. I'm a visual person so when I listen to music I immediately get a mental image/ video so that's fabulous.

I'm going to go more in-depth about the music element of these trailers in another blog but I just wanted to share this before I forget! See you in the next blog!

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