Sunday, March 7, 2021

Portfolio Project 2021: Conflict Ideas + Mini Vlogs

Hello everyone! Today I went on a walk and towards the end of my walk, I decided to film a few videos of myself just sharing where I am right now in terms of this project and some ideas I have. If I have learned anything from last year's portfolio project it's that I have to trust myself and my abilities. I have to trust the process and not stress over where I am currently because it'll all work out eventually! I'm focusing on the quality of my project because this is the last one I'll be doing for this class so I want to enjoy this journey and not rush anything. I got a bit ahead of myself there, here are the mini vlogs that I filmed today while on my walk! Enjoy :)

The femme fatale trope is known for having a clever woman be the cause of a man's undoing. I am definitely going to incorporate this aspect of the trope into my film because it's vital. That's kind of the whole point of the trope. I also began thinking about the man that this character would be destroying and then a thought popped into my mind. Why not incorporate more men in this character's long list of victims? This would allow me to go deeper into this character's history and help the viewer understand who this character is. The conflict has not been finalized yet as I am still developing the plot but once that is done the conflict will naturally follow.

This is also going to be another concept that I have to develop, the character's back story. This is a major part of this story because this character did not become a femme fatale overnight. She had a history and a life before the one she lives now and I have to think of what her story is. How did she become a femme fatale? What was her childhood like? Does she have any unrevealed secrets? There are so many questions that I have yet to answer... 

Of course, I couldn't forget about costuming! I have been noticing that when I search images of femme fatale, they look to all be from the 20th century. I want my character to pay homage to the time era where this trope began so I have decided that her wardrobe is going to be 50s and 60s inspired. A combination of Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Kennedy in terms of fashion! (I just realized how ironic that last statement was whoops.) I'm not going to get carried away in this blog and delve into all of my costume ideas because this blog would be entirely too long. Let's save the blog about costuming for a later date. 

I hope you enjoyed the mini vlogs in this blog! Sometimes when I'm working on a project ideas come to me at random times and I feel an obligation to write them down or talk about them. This is exactly why I love blogging because it gives me the opportunity to do so. I'm going to try my best to develop the plot and conflict of this film as well as the main character's traits/ back story this week. I'm not going to rush or force it but that is my goal. I'll see you in the next blog!

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