Thursday, April 2, 2020

Portfolio Project: It truly takes a village

My friends came to the rescue
Yesterday was a very reassuring day. I was trying to come up with ideas for shots and I was honestly not getting anywhere. So I thought of the most logical thing to do and that was to ask my friends on Snapchat for help. I know it probably sounds crazy asking your friends to help you on Snapchat but a lot of them messaged me with good ideas for shots and different directions I could go in with the visuals.

I sent a message out earlier yesterday asking if people would be willing to help me figure out where to go with my project and a lot of people were! They know that we're quarantined right now so filming outside with other people would be hard so they helped me try and brainstorm ideas to find a way around this hurdle. I'm so thankful that they did because they've helped me calm down and see that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Not every idea or suggestion I received was a good one but I still appreciate the fact that they were willing to make an attempt to help me.

I sent them the rough draft of the script just so that they'd understand what was going to be heard in the scene and I explained how I wanted the shots to correlate with the voiceover. They all said they liked the script and my idea so far which I was glad about, it was just figuring out how I'm going to bridge the gap and deliver visually.

I had one major problem that I felt obligated to solve, I wanted to film with multiple people and get specific shots but I wouldn't be able to do that because of the quarantine. I'm the type of person that will not let an idea go if I really like it or think I can get it right so that's when took matters into my own hands. I started filming different shots by myself because I remember Mrs. Stoklosa saying that we can feature in our own film openings. All of a sudden I had an epiphany and I realized that even though I can't go out and film with people, I can still use my friend's help with filming certain shots. I don't have to do all of this on my own. They may not be able to physically film with me but I can still get the shots I need while still practicing social distancing and being safe.

I sent another message and asked if they could send me a video of them doing something simple like brushing their hair, putting on makeup, etc. but without their faces showing because they're "mystery ladies". I got a lot of videos that I couldn't choose from at first because I wanted to use them all because there are only 4 vigilantes in the group. Then I realized that I didn't have to choose at all because in the audio it mentions that there was another vigilante group in the late 70s and early 80s so I thought, why not use all of the clips I received but utilize color and lighting editing so that you can distinguish the 4 girls in the current vigilante group from the past. I'm going to try to use VSCO to edit the footage I have for the 70s-80s vigilante group shot. We'll see how that process goes because I've never used VSCO to edit photos or videos but my sister has so I'll ask for her help.

It truly does take a village and I'm so glad that I was able to depend on my friends to help me generate some ideas and not remain stuck in the same place. In the next blog, I'm going to post some of the videos that I will be using in the film opening. See you in the next blog!

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