The target audience of my film is both females and males in the age range of 15-35. Because the actions and topics mentioned in crime thriller productions, the audience has to be mature enough to handle the content withing the production. The Mature Audience TV rating recommends that the viewer be 17 years of age or older because subjects in the film may be unsuitable for younger audience members. I chose to lower the age of my target audience because even though the crime/ thriller genre is known for possessing intense content, my film will not have a lot of gore or contain anything explicit. The rating of my film would most likely be PG-13.

I believe that my production will attract female viewers because the characters all possess relatable traits. Having an all-female crime-fighting group portrayed as normal women just trying to survive in a male-dominated world while juggling their personal lives at the same time will help women relate to my production even more. Bria is a rebellious and edgy teenager, Valencia comes from an affluent family but was disowned by them, Luana wears her heart on her sleeve and Zora's the mastermind behind all of it that's just trying to do her best to keep everything running efficiently. The reason behind this is to have the audience identify a part of themselves with the characters whether through fashion, personality traits, experiences, personal background, etc. I wanted a diverse range of characters and a lot of representation of groups ethnically, socioeconomically, and behaviorally so that both the male and female demographic can feel a connection to at least one character.
It is common for the characters in films to be what draws the attention of the audience. Since my film is primarily female, theoretically, my audience would most likely be male. But some may be wondering:
Guys can't watch this, it's a girls movie, right?
Wrong! I know that my film opening's theme is female empowerment and this may be misleading for the male audience because when they hear a movie is centered around women and empowerment they associate it with being a girl's movie. That's like saying since Black Panther was an all-black production only black people can watch it, which makes absolutely no sense. Anyone that wants to watch my production can no matter their race or gender identity. The goal of my film is to celebrate women and their amazing qualities, not exclude men and this is the issue that comes up a lot in films that are labeled as "chick flicks", men feel like they can't watch them, I don't know maybe it has something to do with their egos and masculinity.
Of course, I found this picture on Pinterest which accurately sums up everything I said in that last paragraph. Again my opening is about empowerment not putting one group down to uplift another, that's hypocritical.
Women are most likely to watch thrillers because they like the mysterious element and they enjoy piecing the puzzle together. Men enjoy watching thrillers because of the action and adrenaline rush they get from intense action scenes. This is why both genders can enjoy my film because I would incorporate all of these elements in the full version of my film.
That's it for this blog, I'll see you in the next one!
“TV and Movie Ratings with Descriptions.”, 2020,
Silbermann, Ben. “Pinterest.” Pinterest, 2010,
Google Images, Google,
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