Hello everyone! In the previous blog, I discussed some of the components that I observed in the movie posters I researched. Researching those movie posters helped me think of creative ways to design my movie poster. I'm going to have to get creative with the design for this poster so let's get into some of my ideas!
Movie Poster Idea #1
In almost all of the movie posters that I researched the women on the poster are standing up but this idea does not require the women on the poster to be standing. This idea actually requires them to be laying down. In my idea, my sister and I would be laying on a black sheet so that the background is neutral like the backgrounds of the movie posters that I researched. This is an example of the angle that I am thinking of using:
(Vertical Option)
(Horizontal Option)
It's going to be a high angle of the two of us laying on a black sheet. I like this idea of doing a high angle because even though high angles are meant to make the subject in the frame look smaller, I can play around creatively with the surrounding items to make their power still abundantly clear. Jewelry and money will be scattered around us on the sheet to create the idea that luxury is a component of this film.
I'm not sure of where I would want us to be looking in the movie poster. I was contemplating 2 different options: looking directly at the camera or looking at each other. I'm leaning more towards the first option because it's creating the illusion that we're looking directly at the viewer. Looking directly at the camera (the viewer) paired with the smug expressions on our faces will definitely create the idea that these women are lethal.
Movie Poster Tagline
In one of my first blog posts, I talked about the movie's tagline and I'm going to keep it the same. I was inspired by an image on Pinterest that said "How bad can a good girl get?" and this question inspired the tagline of my film. The phrase "...How bad can a girl truly be?" is the official tagline of my film! I love it because it's an open-ended question that insinuates that these girls can get pretty bad.
Movie Poster Idea #2
Another idea that I had for the movie poster was actually inspired by another image that I saw on Pinterest. This is the image that immediately caught my eye:

This image caught my attention because of the positioning of the model. Her eyes are hidden behind her hat creating a mysterious aura. She is wearing black which symbolizes sophistication, power, and elegance. She's also wearing gloves which contribute to her femininity as well as the dress she's wearing. The gloves that she is wearing make me think that she is of high class. Her identity is concealed but based on her costuming alone you can tell that she is a woman of class and status. In terms of mise-en-scene, the image is in black in white and this artistic decision is interesting. Black and white images remove color and this absence of color can be interpreted as containing various significant meanings. In this case, I interpret this image being in black and white as an indication of the idea that there is danger in the unknown. For my movie poster, I wouldn't want the image to be in black and white because the presence of color is imperative for the vibe that I am aiming to create.
I was captivated by the mysterious aura surrounding this image. Her hidden eyes simultaneously conceal her identity which makes me as the viewer more intrigued to learn about who she is. Anytime something or someone is hidden, the audience is always going to feel inclined to figure out who the person is and why they're being concealed. Since there would be 2 subjects on my movie poster I'm not sure how I'd position us so that we both fit on the poster and it doesn't look awkward. This visual concept definitely works for a singular subject but for multiple subjects, I don't think it would have the same effect.
I'm going to get the opinions of a few friends to get a general consensus on what they think would fit best because I already have an idea of which option I think will work best. It's always good to get other people's opinions on creative aspects like this! If anything I can design both concepts and just make one the official/ main movie poster and the other one a secondary promotional movie poster. See you in the next blog!
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