Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Portfolio Project Planning: Part One!!

Shooting Schedule
The shooting schedule will most likely be the most unstable component of my portfolio process. The reason why is because my schedule may not work with the actresses that I intend to have act in my opening. I definitely want 3 actresses, maybe 4, but all of the potential actresses are in color guard and their practice schedule is hectic. Since we had Monday off due to President's Day, their coach scheduled an extra practice for them this week and added an hour to each practice. Usually, practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-8 pm so hopefully, they stick to their schedule so we can solidify our dates and times for filming. They also have competitions on the weekends so this is a major issue for me scheduling wise because this will be one the major obstacle that we will have to face weekly. My sister is in this activity with the other girls I'm planning on casting and I'm going to cast her as the main vigilante that does the voiceover because we're with each other every day and I can film with her when she's not busy but it's the other actresses that I'm worried about. Unpredictable last-minute situations come up and we'll have to find a way to make up for the lost time in the filming process. I will figure something out with the girls but as of now this is the schedule that I made for the month of February:

Just in case you can't see the picture of the calendar for February, here is the calendar in written format:

20th- Finalize number of actresses
21st- Start writing script
22nd- Basic outline of storyboard
23rd- Revise and edit the script
24th- Meet with actresses regarding filming dates
25th- Cold read through voice over with Aneesa
26th- Record and review Aneesa's voiceover
27th- Confirm filming locations
28th- Finalize script/ final read-through of voiceover with Aneesa
29th- Finish character costume design

These dates are subject to change because of course, unexpected things are bound to come up so they are not set in stone. If these dates shift I will blog about it and let you guys know.

Filming Locations:
Since the characters in the film opening are fighting crime they are going to be in places that are not so safe and pleasant. I live in Weston, Florida and everyone refers to it as a bubble because of how small and protected the environment is. For this project, I'm going to travel outside of this "bubble" and go places that most kids born and raised here would not even fathom driving through. Somethings you have to make authentic and the only way to really convey my concept and sell it is if I film in locations that resemble a realistic setting because I'm pretty sure not many criminals reside in posh "pinkies up" Weston. My mom is willing to transport me and the actresses to the filming locations in South Florida so that I can portray this concept accurately. Some areas that I'm researching and have visited before that I think would be perfect for my opening are:

Image result for hialeah miami

                          Image result for hood in miami


Image result for little haiti miami

This doesn't necessarily mean that I won't be filming any part of the film opening in Weston it's just that the majority of the filming will be done in other cities in South Florida to capture the essence of the opening. This also doesn't mean that I will only be shooting in these cities, South Florida is huge so there are other locations that I may decide to film in later on in the process. There are so many places that I don't even know about since I'm still new to Florida and haven't explored yet which is super exciting to me!

Possible Character Names:
I like when the character's name is symbolic and has a meaning of importance to the character as an individual. Because of this, I was thinking of giving my characters names that are symbolic of war and fighting. These women are fighting against oppressors and I want their names to resemble strength and power.

I have a few names that all essentially mean the same thing but I like the way they sound and names are definitely important so some names I'm choosing from are:

1. Aella- is the Greek and Latin variant form of Greek Aellô, meaning “storm wind; whirlwind.” In Greek mythology, Aella was a double-ax-wielding Amazon warrior

2. Bellona- is a Roman name derived from the Latin word Bellum (“to fight”). In mythology, Bellona was a goddess of war. Predating both Mars and Ares, she may have been the Romans’ first war deity.

3. Luana- Graceful battle maiden

4. Valencia- Valencia is an orange-scented Spanish place name, which means ‘brave and strong.’

5. Bria- The name Bria is inspired by the Irish name Bridget and means ‘power, strength, vigor.’

6. Zora- meaning dawn

Here are some dilemmas I'm having with deciding  their names: 

1. I can't decide whether or not all of their names should have a deeper meaning because it's not very common for a group of people to all coincidentally have names synonymous with the same word. Were they all born with these names?

2. Should these just be nicknames that their former leader gave them and they just go by the names they were given?

3. Did they name themselves when they became vigilantes?

I will have to go back in forth mentally about it and think about all of my options but I'll keep you guys updated! See you in the next blog, talk soon!

Gillespie, Claire. “Inspire Your Little Warrior Woman with These Kick-Ass Names.” Google, Google, 13 Mar. 2018, www.google.com/amp/s/www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1119693/girl-names-that-mean-warrior/amp/.

Navuluri, Bhavana. “85 Strong And Powerful Girl Names With Great Meanings.” Google, Google, 2019, www.google.com/amp/s/www.momjunction.com/articles/strong-and-powerful-girl-names_00400894/%3famp=1.




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